Well, I still feel like this is a bad dream. I keep thinking I’ll wake up and it will all be over, he’ll be here and things will be ok. I haven’t been able to eat since it happened so on the bright side, I’ve lost 7 lbs. I know, that’s not good, but I really have been trying to lose weight (pre-meltdown, of course). The therapist told me to get some of the drink mixes with protein and could probably keep those down. I shake a lot. Feel very sick a lot. And just cannot seem to stop crying. Today I’m going to visit a lawyer. I’ve gotten referrals for several who are supposed to be good.
I’m trying not to contact him, because I know that would be the worst. I have more willpower now. Usually he just didn’t respond. The only time he did was when I started name calling. I couldn’t help it. Horrible snow and I was stuck here because he took the 4-wheel drive. Thank God mom and my nephew were here, they made it as bearable as possible.
He asked me to text him when I would not be working because he wants to come and see the pets while I’m at work. Also says he would like to clean up & wash clothes here at the house. I don’t suppose there is much way to stop that. That’s another thing I’ll talk to the attorney about.
I just feel awful and I don’t know how to stop it. Everyone says it will get easier, I hope it starts soon. I know it’s only been 5 days, but . . .
Kristin Miller Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest
Hey everyone! Before we get this release party started, I’d like to thank
Rachel and Bitten by Books for inviting me to return! I always have such a
great ...
9 years ago
Hang in there!!There are better things in store for you. You know the old saying: "When one door closes, another one opens".
I hope that you are doing well. My thoughts are with you.
I hope this Saturday finds you feeling a little better. Glad to know you talked to an attorney. Please take care of yourself and most of all keep your chin up! You CAN and WILL get thru this. A whole new life is just waiting for you, embrace it with open arms!
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